Are you ready to join the community?

Let's connect today to get you set up with accelerated invoice payments. 

© 2024 Invoice Payment System Corporation. All rights reserved

20 Years of Providing Business Liquidity

Since 2003, we have assisted hundreds of firms by converting their unpaid invoices into instant working capital. With over 1.3 million invoices funded, we have a growing community of entrepreneurs who experience firsthand the benefits of getting paid within 8 business hours instead of waiting 30 days or more.

Experience the Benefits of the IPS Community

Access your invoice funds within 8 business hours and stop waiting on lengthy invoice terms.

Cash Flow on Demand

Put money back into your business instead of waiting 30 days or more, so you can take advantage of every growth opportunity.

Growth Opportunities

Take comfort in knowing you have funds to meet your financial obligations, like payroll, rent, or utility bills.

Financial Confidence

Control your exposure by utilizing our database on payer behaviour for thousands of Canadian and U.S. payers.

Credit Risk Management